Sunday, November 28, 2010

Christmas Decorations

Michael and I began putting up the Christmas decorations last Sunday when the weather was so nice. We mainly put up the lights on the house and then today we added the rest. Most of the inside decorations are up, but we are waiting to see how the pups respond to it before adding the rest. I don't want them to chew up everything and then we won't have anything next year to put up.

Welcome to our house!

Our front porch.

After just receiving this snowman last year, he was injured during a brutal storm. He was repaired during the off season by santa's little helper and is back to working!

The bargain trees we got on Black Friday.

The view from the street of our house.

The gingerbread man to hide all of the extension cords.

Our Christmas tree without ornaments. We are trialing how Lexi will do with just the tree before adding the ornaments, just in case she tries to knock over the tree while we are gone.

Cali posing under the Christmas tree.

Our lovely pups admiring the tree or dreaming of chewing it to pieces; which one we have to wait and find out.

The garland leading up to the upstairs.

Our trees and snowman; how cute!

The snowman bowls on the coffee table.

Our small nativity scene.

The cardinals cap that we will use as the topper for the tree.

The cute snowman on the fire mantle.

Friday, November 26, 2010

Black Friday Shopping!

Michael and I had gone to Babies R Us the weekend before Thanksgiving to look one more time at baby furniture. I wanted to have something picked out by Christmas (even though we have plenty of time); I still wanted to have everything picked out for the room. At that time, the employee told us about the special that would be on black friday. Also at this time, there was 20% off baby furniture. We were torn between two styles so we went home to think about it.

Michael left our house a little after 4:00 AM to get there before the store opened at 5:00 AM. I got there closer to when the store was opening because it was freezing outside. While we were there we debated about which style we would get. As it turned out the 20% ended before Thanksgiving so our decision was the deal on black friday. It was buy the two dressers and the crib was free. Somehow we ended up spending less on the furniture than we originally thought, but hey who's complaining...not me! It was a big investment, but it will last the little one a long time, well hopefully.

This is the collection we decide to go with for our little one. It is the Eastside collection by Babi Italia. The color we decide on was a cherry finish. It will look really nice in the nursery.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Just A Check Up

Everything is going great with the little one. The next doctor's appointment will be a big one...we get to find out the sex of the baby! Just a few more weeks :)

Michael waiting patiently at the doctor's office.

You will have to excuse Michael's video taping skills, but you get the point. Listen towards the end of the video clip to hear the baby's heart beat more clearly.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Baby Furniture

Michael and I met his parents at Babies R Us to look for the baby crib. There are so many to choose from so we looked at a few then will compare the reviews and prices to see which is the best for us. We will find out soon enough the sex of the baby to register for lots of goodies. Here is some furniture that we liked while shopping:)

Michael was happy when he found a toy to play with; who doesn't love Elmo!

This was what Michael was doing while I was looking at the furniture. He found how dirty the fans were in the store.

Some of the pack and plays:

Some of the high chairs we looked at:

Some of the cribs we were looking at:

Saturday, November 6, 2010

Couples Dinner

Our friends Mike and Rachel came over to make and have dinner. The only bad part was that it was after work on a Friday. It just seemed a little rushed, but everything turned out great. We had good food then played a game of Scattegories. Michael and Mike were really competetive during the games.

Mike also wanted to come over to our house to experience the ghost we have. We didn't really see him tonight, but I guess that's because we were looking for him. He comes when we are least expecting it.

It was a good night that we hope to keep up the tradition once a month or so.

Cali loves the love sac! She was so comfortable that she didn't move for the longest time.

Lexi was also tuckered out that she crashed in the corner.

The biggest baby of them all was also getting tired on the couch. What a life these dogs have! Ha Ha!