The guys on look out for Chris.
Addie got my picture, but I got her back.
All of the family and friends waiting for Chris to walk in the house.
Still peaking through the blinds.
Like father like daughter; too bad Lexi didn't know what she was looking for until he walked in the house.
Chris came into the house on his phone saying, "I don't think we are baking cookies."
Chris using Jake's gift of the cane and bell; it was a hit for the night.
Some of the desserts.
Addie sneaking in a lick.
Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday to you, Happy Birthday dear Chris Happy Birthday to you!
He surprised us all by helping pick up after dinner and dessert.
The best gift of the night, a toilet/cooler to use while fishing.
Some of the guys, kind of watching Chris open gifts.
Opening some presents.
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