It's officially that time of the year! Michael and I did a little Black Friday shopping to get just a few things we wanted for ourselves and needed to get for family. We both took the day off so we were able to enjoy some family time. It was nice to lounge around and not have to worry about anything. Later in the day, Michael put up the Christmas lights while Emma and I played inside. Also today, we did some more shopping; this time just mainly too look at what kind of deals were still out there. I can't wait for the next holiday so we can spend a few more family days together!

Emma trying to be just like mommy.

Cheesing it up for the camera. :)

Now presenting the next best pianist, Emmy!

Taking a break to hold on tight to my blankie.

The snowman on the porch.

Our bargain trees from last year's Black Friday.

Our front porch.

What a cute little bear.

Our house with all the Christmas lights up! Good job Michael!

Emma getting comfy on mommy's lap.

"Boy this sure is comfortable; who would have thought!"

Watching t.v. with daddy before bedtime.

BIG yawn; someone is getting sleepy. Shhh!

Night night!

Even Cali is ready for bed.

Looking for some clothes in Gymboree.

Watching a little cartoon while I shop!