Sunday, January 15, 2012

Now There's No Escape

For the past few weeks, my mom has said that we need to lower the matress in Emma's crib, but we just never got around to it. The funny thing is that we lowered her pack-n-play, which she rarely goes in, but not actually the bed she sleeps in every night! So then it happened tonight. Michael went to put Emma to bed, grabbed the monitor and was in our room when he noticed that she was standing up in her crib looking over the edge, trying to lift a leg to crawl out. Michael went running into her room to grab her before something bad happened and we knew it was time to immediately lower her matress.

While lowering Emma's frame and matress, I came to the realization that while she may still physically be little, she is growing up so fast. I can't imagine how fast the rest of our lives will go if things are already moving so fast now! It almost brought tears to my eyes, but they would have been happy ones because of how she is growing into a unique little lady already.

Daddy starting to lower the frame for Emma's matress.

Emma wanted to help to; she thought by pulling at her bedding.

Love her smile!

So happy!

Emma was just about ready to crawl towards me, or so I thought.

Climbing up the matress while daddy lowers the frame.

Always on the go.

Test trial #1...

And the verdict dad...

Not good...I can still jump outta here if I want to!

I can't believe this little lady is just a little over 8 months old.

Climbing the bookcase in her room.

Cruising around the outside of her crib.

"Umm, daddy do you need my help?"

Job complete thanks to these hard workers.

Getting up to test out the matress level again...

And it is a success!

Checking out every aspect of the crib.

Emma decided to lay the direction with the least amount of room.

Sleeping beauty.

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