At her check up the doctor said that all looks well with this little lady! She now weighs 13 pounds 13 ounces and is 25 1/4 inches long! We were given the go ahead for cereal, so are plans are to trial it tonight to see how Emma does. The poor baby had to have four more shots and drink the nasty fluids one more time. It just breaks my heart to have to hold her arms down while she gets the shots and screams at the top of her lungs. Two more months and we will have to go through this again. :(
Playing with good ole Emma!
"What are you looking at mom?"
"This again?"
"Oh wait, that's right, I kind of like this seat!"
"Hey, did anyone see my toys?"
"What are you looking at toy?"
Emma licking her hand like an ice cream cone.
"Mom, I can still see you."
Then we trialed the cereal...
What a happy girl, too bad she doesn't know what is about to happen.
"Hey man, what's in this stuff?"
Emma was a little unsure about the cereal.
Then it hit her, she didn't care for it at all! But we will try again.
"Nooo, I don't like this stuff!"
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