Due to the holiday, Michael had early leave from work. In a perfect world, it would all work out correctly, but I ended up working longer. But that was still okay because we were already packed; we just needed to eat lunch and then head out. So we got on the road just about 2 hours behind. We also didn't want to rush to Warrensburg because Greg would be working till 5:00 PM. I thought it would be nice to stop at the outlet mall or go to the wineries for tasting, but that didn't happen since we were a little delayed.
This is who created the road rage. Pretty bad driving on their part. And Michael let them know!
When we finally made it to Warrensburg, we met Greg for dinner. We kept it pretty low key Friday night. Saturday we went to one of the better BBQ places I've been to, Perry Fosters. We went to Jill's apartment, which was a little scary. Then Greg headed over to Jill's parent's house and Michael and I headed to the hotel to check in.
After resting for a little bit, we decided that it was time to go out to explore KC. We went to one of the many outdoor malls in the area, where we didn't really visit many stores because it was storming pretty good. I guess that was a good thing or we could have done some damage on them. We went to Houlihan's for some long islands and an appetizer before heading to another mall, this time inside. We spent a little time there before deciding that we wanted to go to the comedy club. But after thinking about it, we decided against that and wanted to go to the Power and Light District.
Our pretty long islands.
Michael gulping his long island.
Once there, we went to Kobe for dinner. After our bellies were filled, we walked over to where all the excitement was. There was so much going on inside this open area. It was a good thing it was covered because another storm came in. We went to a piano bar, which was amazing! I really enjoyed being there and can't wait to go back. We ended up staying out later than I thought we would. When we got back to the hotel, we noticed a letter under the door. The power must have gone out because it stated there was no tv and phone services. Oh well because we were going to bed.
The view from inside the Power and Light District. Awesome!
When we woke up, I went downstairs to ask about the tv and to ask about the breakfast. The manager had told me they were going to add more points to our rewards and that breakfast was on them. So we took advantage of that. After checking out, we went to a place similar to IKEA. Then we met up with Greg and Jill and a cheeseburger place. It was alright, but I probably wouldn't go back. Then we went to one more outdoor mall, where we bought the only thing all weekend and it was for Emma.
Poor Jill! Greg and Michael told the guy that she wanted a dolphin and this is what he gave her.
My turn with this silly dolphin.
Michael acting like the dolphin is drinking the soda.
Greg looks thrilled to be wearing the dolphin hat.
Emma's pretty flower.
We were thinking about Emma all the time, hoping she was doing well with her Grandparents; knowing she was in good hands made it a little easier being away from her. Before long, we were on the road again, ready to see our little girl! She was so excited to see us that she woke up and stayed awake much later than her bed time, but we were okay with it because we missed each other! Oh I love this girl!
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