It was so much fun watching Emma play with the little cousins; one day soon she will be able to keep up with them and then they better watch out! This was out last stop before heading home; I had hoped it would be an early night, but it doesn't look like that happened.
Our car packed with just some of the presents from my parent's house; I hope we don't have too much from here.
Grandma and Emma.
Since Alex couldn't be here in person for Christmas, Trish made a cut out of her.
Emma playing with a few cell phones. She thinks she's cool now that she got 3 cell phones for Christmas.
Ashley opening her gift from her mom; we picked up a nutcracker for her.
Emma opening her present from Ashley.
Emma investigating the new toy.
Ashley is this okay that I play with it now?
Emma was still a little unsure at first.
Michael and Emma taking a quick nap.
I see you Emma and Daddy.
Tuesday going in for the hug...
and she missed.
Then the girls were each distracted by something else.
Addie trying to help Emma out of the ottoman.
Addie, Tuesday, and Emma playing in the storage ottoman.
Emma is the last one standing. That's my girl!
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