When everyone arrived, we enjoyed a nice meal and then were able to sit around and chat before playing rob your neighbor. It was a fun game; one that we hope to keep up for years to come. Before long it was time to head to the midnight mass, well actually 10:00 PM mass. It worked out great because Emma slept through the entire mass and then all the way home. We were able to take her out of her car seat and go directly to bed too. It was off to bed so that Santa could visit our house!
One tired little lady
Our of the five Christmas trees at Aunt Joan's house; and you don't want to get too close to this tree...those ornaments are very expensive.
A little diversity in our family...do you notice it?
Another Christmas tree, in a different room.
The boys.
Tickle tickle mickle pickle.
Emma and Daddy
Emma's shirt says "What Santa doesn't bring me grandma will"...so very true!
Emma admiring baby Elmo. Michael and I gave Katie this baby Elmo a few years ago and now it's coming full circle back to us for Emma.
Emma looking deep into baby Elmo's eyes.
Emma ready to show daddy the world.
Katie with her new glasses.
Hmmm, what's going on here? One of them must smell or something.
The best picture I have of these two on Christmas Eve.
Emma's new teething toys, her fingers.
Emma helping Papa pick the right gift for rob your neighbor.
Papa helping Emma open her gift from the Becker family.
Papa showing Emma her gift...a cute outfit.
Emma and I
Uncle Ron showing Emma the fan and Emma making sure Nana is watching.
Emma not amused by the bow on her head.
But Emma was amused by the light on the fan.
Uncle Greg and Emma
Laughing at a text message.
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