Ashley and Jarrod
Uncle Chris is so silly.
Emma playing with Ashley and Grandma.
Carter and Tuesday
The prep/decorating room.
Emma and her cousin, Tuesday
The girls keeping an eye on Carter.
Emma's turn for the hat (she is used to it though because Grandpa puts all kinds of hats on her when he watches her).
Tuesday was a little unsure about the hat.
Emma reading the magazine and Tuesday playing with the golf club.
This was moments before Tuesday swung the golf club right at Emma's head.
Addie entertaining the kids.
Chase didn't feel good, but he still pulled around the golf bag.
Tuesday loved sitting in the rocking chair too.
The cookie decorators.
Carter decorating a cookie.
Jessica helping Isabella decorate her cookie.
And now Bella can add the finishing touches, sprinkles!
Addie decorating a cookie for her dad.
A new silly face from Emma.
And another one.
Tuesday liked petting Cali's hands.
Emma is thinking "so that's how you get around?!?"
Mindy playing with Chase, Emma, and Tuesday.
Look at these girls already learning to share.
Love having so many little ones in the house.
Nicki and Chris trying to get the girls to play with one another.
Chase was saying "bye guys, I'm outta here!"
A game we are playing with Emma (umm where's Emma? peek a boo!)
Lexi wasn't sure by all the people in the house; it made her job of protecting us hard to do.
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