This morning my mom came over so Michael and I could get a good nap in. It is funny how when either of our parents come over, Emmga goes to take a nap so easily. However, when Emma is with Michael or me, she just fusses up a storm to the point where it’s easier to pick her up and hold her.
Emma taking a nap.
Michael’s parents came over this evening with dinner and to help set up for the garage sale on Saturday. After eating and visiting for a bit, Michael brought up the containers of garage sale stuff so that I could price things. Michael and his dad were in the garage setting things up so we wouldn't have to get up earlier tomorrow.
Ashley also came over to visit us and mainly to see Emma. She's like royalty now! It had kind of surprised me that some of our friends haven’t called or sent messages asking about how we are doing or if there was anything they could do to help. That made our decision about who will be Emma’s godmother easier. Ashley has been there to help out whenever we need it so we decided that we need someone like her to be Emma's guidance and role model. Who better than to ask her. So right before Ashley left for the night, I asked her on Emma's behalf to be her godmother. And, she said yes! What a great way to end the night.
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