My mom and Scott came up shortly after we woke up to bring some snacks and body wash for us. Even though I checked my hospital bags several times before we went to the hospital, I somehow still missed the fact that I didn’t pack any body wash. They didn’t stay very long because they knew we were going to have more visitors and the fact that they were coming back in the afternoon. Right before lunch, I was able to take a shower; it felt so refreshing. Once I got out of the shower, Michael’s parents and grandma came to visit.
Michael's Grandma holding Emma.
We had so many things going on today, whether it was visitors or hospital staff. Michael’s Aunt Debby, Zach, Jamie and the boys stopped by to visit baby Emma. Jamie brought us a pink headband with a bow on it; it was really cute and it came at a perfect time. The photographer came in to take Emma's hospital photos.
The boys were put to work holding up the sheet to create a backdrop.
Aunt Debby holding Emma with Treven and Caden nearby.
Michael and I had to kick everyone out of the room so I could try to nurse Emma. We have a hard time trying to get into a pattern, then it creates us to both become frustrated. Emma becomes so upset or she just goes to sleep so there is no point in getting her all mad and I just decide to pump and give her the milk. She is still getting the same thing, just from a different way. Right after we pumped, the lactation consultation lady came to our room to help us figure out what we can do to get Emma to breast feed. We tried everything she had suggested, but it just came down to the fact that we were doing the right thing, Emma just didn’t want to go that route. I will continue to try to breast feed, but I don’t want it to get to the point where it’s upsetting for both of us all the time.
After we were done with the consultation, everyone came back into the room. We even had more visitors added, Ashley and Chris. It was really nice that they came up to visit us. Shortly after that, Ashley and Chandler came up to the hospital to visit us. We had a full house in our room, which it was a good thing we got a corner room that seemed to be bigger than the other rooms. Everyone cleared out, but Michael and I only had a little time with our daughter before my dad’s side of the family came up to visit. Grandma Betty, Aunt Joan, Uncle Matt, Katie, Uncle Ron, and Roger all came to visit us. Aunt Joan brought us flowers and Uncle Ron made a blanket for Emma. Those who wanted to hold Emma did, while everyone else just watched and kept saying what a beautiful baby we have. Everyone was gone relatively soon because they were going to dinner so then it was just our family.
My friend, Ashley, holding Emma
Michael's cousin, Ashley, holding Emma
Michael's cousin, Chandler, holding Emma
My Grandma Betty holding Emma
Aunt Joan and Katie with Emma
My Uncle Ron and dad with Emma
Daddy loving on his little girl :)
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