All bundled up and ready to head home.
In the car and ready to meet her sisters.
Our first attempt at a family photo; leaving the hospital.
We had our bags packed and ready to go so we just needed the nurse to give us the okay to head home. She walked with us to the car, then we were on our way home with our newest addition. When we got home, my mom had lunch just about ready and the house cleaned up. I walked into the house first so that the dogs would jump all over me without hurting Emma when she would come into the house. They sniffed me up and down and were just about settled down when Michael walked in the house with Emma. They were a little hesitant at first, but then they just wanted to sniff her to see what she was. They were also very excited to see Michael so they were jumping all around with him. They did much better than I thought they would with Emma.
Daddy waiting to walk into our house with Emma.
Me with my little lady.
Emma's sisters (Cali and Lexi) meeting her for the first time.
Throughout the day, they were so funny to watch them with her. Every time she would cry, they would look at her like what is the matter with her. However, they quickly lost interest in her. Michael and I were able to take a little nap while my parents and Scott were at our house. Again, it was nice being able to catch up on some sleep because I know we will be getting less sleep over the next few weeks. My mom made us dinner and picked up a little more before heading home for the night.
Michael and I went to sit outside on the deck since it was so nice. We found out that Emma really likes the sound of cars or birds or any noise in general.
Daddy enjoying some time with Emma.
The girls enjoying the weather.
Emma's sisters on guard, protecting her already.
Beautiful flowers when we got home.
More beautiful flowers.
Emma ready to take a nap for the evening.
Welcome home baby Emma!
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