Since my grandparents didn’t go to the hospital to meet Emma when she was born, they wanted to come over to meet and visit with her today. When they came over, they brought lunch with them. There was enough food to feed an army, which it’s surprising since it is like that any time we have a meal with them. They brought flowers and a glowworm for Emma. They also gave Michael and I an Applebee’s gift card. I really didn’t expect to get anything from them, but we do appreciate all that they have done for us. While my grandma was holding Emma, she decided that she wants to be called the vintage grandma. I guess Owen started this trend with things or people being vintage. Grandma loved holding and talking baby talk to Emma. She got a kick out of how much Emma smiles and moves around. Grandpa held Emma for just a little bit because she was wiggling around quite a bit. I’m glad that my grandparents were able to meet their great granddaughter!

Great Grandpa Herbie

Great Grandma

Emma's beautiful flowers and her hospital photo in the background.
After my grandparents left, Michael took Emma to the post office and St. Joe’s church so I could take a nap. I was in such a deep sleep when they returned that I didn’t even notice they were home until minutes later. While Michael was out, he had bad luck with both places he went. The post office had our hospital photos of Emma, but when he viewed them at home, he noticed that all the pictures weren’t on the disc. When Michael went to the church, he had a lady give him a hard time about the paperwork he was going to turn in for the baptism. Instead of what he had, she wanted some other form that pretty much said the exact same thing, but it had Emma’s footprints on it. Hopefully things will get cleared up with these situations.
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