I woke up around 12:30 AM with some contractions that just seemed to stay around. I tossed and turned in the bed, but nothing helped. I even got into a warm bath twice throughout the night to help ease the pain and get some rest because I thought it was about to be go time. Around 2:00 AM I went downstairs and started counting my contractions for an hour. When that was over, I woke up Michael because the contractions fit the criteria of when we are to go to the hospital. Michael wanted to make sure it was time to go so he started keeping track of my contractions. We did that until a little after 4:00 AM. We had decided that it was something I could wait a little longer on, but we should get things together and ready in the car. Michael also called both of our moms to let them know what the plans were; that we were going to head up to the hospital and see if it was go time.
Michael getting ready to head to the hospital.
Pulling into the hospital.
Michael and I headed to the hospital around 5:30 AM and got checked into the hospital shortly after 6:00 AM. Our biggest fear was that we were going to get there and the doctor was going to send us home because I wouldn’t be far enough along. We checked in at the desk and waited to be taken back to a triage room, room 3. The three nurses performed an exam to see how far along I was, as well as ask about my medical history. The nurse said I was 3 cm dilated and the next step was to wait just an hour to see if there would be any change. At that time if there was no change then I would have to get up and walk for an hour and be examined again. My mom and Scott came up to the hospital to check on us, but at this time we didn’t really know what was going on. Scott left and went to work shortly after 7:00 AM and my mom came prepared to be there for the day, snack bag and all. Michael, my mom, and I went on a walk around the hospital in search of something to eat; I was starving, but when I got a bagel I just felt like throwing up so I didn’t eat anything. After I got back into the room, we waited to see the nurse for 45 minutes to see if there were any changes with how far I was dilated. She was to come and examine me as soon as we got back, but I guess things were busy and we didn’t get seen until then. The new nurse came in to check on me after an hour and said I had changed to a good 3 cm. While waiting for the nurse, I told Michael I wasn’t feeling well and that he needed to get something for me to throw up in (the only thing available was the trash can). The house doctor came into my room to examine me and she concluded that I was 4 cm dilated and that my water was broke. So things were looking good for us; moving right along for sure.
Just waiting to see if there were any changes.
Monitoring baby Emma.
At this point, my nurse said we were going to stay at the hospital and I was going to move to the labor and delivery room. After all was prepared, we went to room 11 (one next to where Isabella was born, room 12). Just Michael and I went to the other room because my mom was in the waiting area. At this room, my nurses switched again; this time one of them looked like Aunt Shelley. I got my epidural around 10:30 AM, which was painful, but definitely helped to alleviate some of the other pain. Michael was worried that I would be paralyzed so he had me keep wiggling my toes. That was something I was afraid of, but at the same time I knew I wasn’t going to be a strong woman and give birth all natural. Once I had the epidural, I took a nap for about an hour while Michael went to get some lunch with my mom and his parents. Michael, my mom, and his dad came back to the room and at this time I was 6 cm dilated. I had asked Michael to go to the car to get the video camera and the laptop so we could be ready for the delivery. While he was down at the car, I called him to let him know that the nurse just came in and I had jumped to 9 cm dilated. I told him that he needed to hurry because it was going to be time at anytime. Also at this time, I told Michael to tell my mom so she could let my dad and Scott know in case they wanted to be at the hospital when Emma was born.
The view from our hospital room.
Still waiting, but getting close.
Around 2:00 PM my nurses had everything set up in the room for the delivery and my doctor was notified that we were to begin pushing shortly to stand by. At first, I thought we were just going to start pushing then wait till my doctor arrived, but I was pushing and pushing. It is definitely a weird feeling; like you are going to poop all over the place. I didn’t want to watch/look at anyone or think about anything other than getting baby Emma out. Michael told the nurses that he didn’t want to watch so they respected his wishes by putting up a sheet across my legs. I caught him several times looking to see what was happening; he just got caught up in the moment and didn’t care about all the grossness. I apparently was doing well with the pushing because I had to just sit through a few contractions because my doctor still wasn’t at the hospital. Right when she walked into the room, she gowned up and was ready to deliver this baby. I just had to give one good push and my doctor was able to pull Emma right out. It was such an amazing feeling when she put Emma on my belly and we were able to see her for the first time. She definitely has her daddy’s hair, but we really can’t tell who she looks like more.
Really close to meeting our daughter!
There she is!
Emma Louise was born today Friday May 6, 2011 at 3:26 PM. She weighed 8 lb 3 oz and was 22 in long. Daddy did a good job video tapping the key moments right when Emma was born. After we had our time with her and I was getting stitched up (I tore during the delivery), Michael went to tell our families who were waiting in the waiting room. My parents, Michael’s parents, Scott, Chris, Jessica, Isabella, and Chase all came into the room while the nurses finished examining Emma. We all were able to see her get her first bath, which she likes having her hair washed so that could be good for us later.
Getting her footprints.
Emma's footprint on her daddy's hand.
Nana, Papa, and Uncle Scott
Grandma and Grandpa
Uncle Chris, Aunt Jessica, and cousins Isabella and Chase
My friend, Laura, came up to the hospital shortly after everyone else had left the room. She was so excited to finally meet Emma. It was a short stay for Laura because we had to kick her out so that I could be examined again. Also, Michael’s cousin Ashley and Jarrod came up to visit us; they stayed just for a little bit, but would be back tomorrow to see her more. They gave us more clothes for Emma.
Laura holding Emma.
We were to stay in the labor and delivery room for just two hours, but since I couldn’t feel my right leg from the epidural, I had to wait longer. We didn’t end up getting to the final room (room 350) until hours later. Our parents helped us move some of the stuff down to that room then they left and it was just Michael and I with our daughter. I couldn’t believe it; we finally met our daughter!
This new nurse gave us a ton of information and she helped Michael change his first diaper. He had to pick up quickly because right away I was not able to help any. I tried to breast feed Emma, but we just weren’t on the same page. She wouldn’t latch on right away and when she did, she would then fuss a lot or fall asleep. It was frustrating to both of us, so we had to keep trying and if it didn’t work after a few minutes then I was able to pump and give her the output. We finally went to sleep around midnight when we sent Emma to the nursery. I felt bad sending her away right away, but we were both exhausted and really needed the sleep. It was nice not having to worry about anything for even just a few hours. What a day today has been!
Michael changing his first diaper.
The proud daddy with his bundle of joy!
Me with my little lady!
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