Last night was a rough night for me and Emma. Michael had thought about going into work today so he went to bed earlier last night, which was fine because I could get some sleep throughout the day (or so I thought). Shortly after Michael went upstairs to go to bed, Emma woke up hungry again. After feeding her and getting her ready to go back to sleep, I put her in the bouncer. That didn’t last very long because then she was fussing. So I picked her up and held her against my chest for a little bit. I was falling asleep sitting up with her. I was nervous about actually falling asleep with her on me so I tried putting her back in her bouncer or the pack n play, but that didn’t matter because she just started fussing each time I placed her down. Let’s just say that for about 5 hours I didn’t get any sleep. It also didn’t help that around 4:00 AM I ran out of pumped breast milk. I decided to try to get some formula for Emma, which she hasn’t had much since the hospital when she just had a little bit. She chugged down most of the bottle of formula in no time, which helped calm her down (for the time being). Also at this time, the dogs were wanting to go outside. I got up to let them out and as I was walking into the kitchen, Emma had projectile vomiting. I guess the formula wasn’t settling with her tummy. I mean she had me covered, as well as herself completely covered. I washed her up and changed her without any fussing; I think because she was still in shock with what happened. After all this, I tried laying her down again, but again no luck. Michael didn’t even bother to come downstairs while Emma was crying her little heart out. I finally got into a comfortable position laying on the couch with Emma. She looked so peaceful sleeping with her head on the pillow and cuddled up next to me. I was afraid she was going to roll off the couch, but at least she wasn’t screaming her lungs off.
Michael was to wake up and go into work, but around 7:00 AM when my mom called I noticed he was still here and still sleeping. That made me even madder, knowing that he had a good night sleep in a bed! When Michael came down dressed and ready to go to work, he asked if there was anything I needed and I calmly said SLEEP! Let's just say he decided not to go into work today. And then when Michael was up with Emma, she just slept most of the time with him, which isn’t fair. I tried everything to calm her down, but all it took was for Michael to hold her and for him to put her down.

Daddy with his little girl.

Sleeping Beauty

Mommy taking a nap.
This afternoon, Michael and I took our three girls for a walk. It was quite entertaining watching us. Michael had both the dogs in front of me and I had Emma in the stroller. We didn’t go very far since I’m still recovering, but it was good just to get out of the house. The weather was nice, a little breezy, but it was comfortable to go on a walk. I hope to go on more walks with Emma in days to come.

Emma wasn't looking forward to her first walk.

Emma fell asleep before getting out of the driveway.

Michael with the girls, Cali and Lexi.

Heading home.
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