After a few hours of sleep, I awoke to begin getting things together again. Since I had most of the things ready last night, it was a little easier this morning, but still there seemed like so much to do. We were trying to get out of the house kind of early so we could have the majority of the day in Kansas City, but it all depended on when Emma woke up. As it turned out, Emma wasn’t planning on waking up anytime soon so Michael woke her up. He did that when the majority of the stuff was packed and ready to go so all we would have to do is change her, feed her, and put her in the car.
Ready to hit the open road.
Since her belly was full, Emma fell back asleep for almost two hours. Right about that time, I was needing to stop to go to the bathroom. Also at this time, Michael received an uneasy call about his grandpa. Since we were pulling off to go to the bathroom, we were trying to decide what to do, continue with our trip or go back home. We ended up deciding to continue on and if something were to change then we would just drive home.
Changing Emma's diaper in the back seat of the car.
Still a happy girl.
Oh boy! Back in this seat again.
We continued on our trip, but had to stop shortly after getting back on the road because Emma was hungry. We stopped for about 40 minutes, while the rest of my family continued on. There was a little tension between everyone when there was miscommunication between the family. So that just put everyone in a great mood. When we finally got to the restaurant, no one was in speaking turns.
Passing through the town of Emma.
What a cute sleeping beauty.
Cute picture of Emma's hand resting on her knee.
After the restaurant, we went to the mall, where we spent about 40 minutes looking around before heading over to the hotel. Michael, Emma, and I went into the American Girl store. Thankfully, Emma was sleeping and is too little to know what an American Girl is, but maybe at a later time we will get her one.
The mall in Kansas City.
The American Girl store.
Zonked out after the trip to the mall.
After we all met up again, we headed to the hotel. We had a little time before we were to go over to Jill’s parent’s house so we tried to let Emma take a nap. As it turned out, the three of us fell asleep for a little bit. When we woke up, we hurried to get ready to go to Jill’s house. We met most of Jill’s family, had dinner, and played Catchphrase.
What a little girl in a big bed!
Tummy time on the hotel bed.
Shh! Daddy is sleeping.
Just kidding, daddy is awake!
Just love the positions she gets comfortable in.
Michael and I decided we should leave a little sooner than my parents because we weren’t sure how Emma was going to sleep in a new place on a rock hard pack n play. It took her a little while to fall asleep, but once she did, she was out like a light.
Shh! Nighty night all!
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