Emma just as excited as daddy to watch Back to the Future.
Peek - a - boo; I see you!
Daddy and his little girl.
What a big girl!
When we had the bags all packed and ready to go, Michael gave Emma one more bottle before we were to go to the BBQ restaurant. As he was burping her, Emma decided she didn’t want all that formula and spit up all over the chair, floor, and Michael. Michael had to jump in the shower again to rinse the formula off then we were off to the restaurant.
Sleeping in the boppy.
Sleeping in daddy's arms.
I just can't get enough pictures of Emma's tiny hands and feet.
After lunch, we had a little time before the reception so we went over to Jill’s parent’s house. The reception for Jill’s brother and sister in law was really nice. We had a little dessert and some coffee drinks, visited with some of Jill’s family (mainly just Jill though), and then got ready to head home.
The way home was a little rough. Emma was not too happy so I had to ride in the back with her to entertain her. It didn’t always work so we had to stop a few times to calm her down. It was a good little getaway and now we know how Emma travels so it should be fun when we go on more vacations as a family.
All ready for our trip home.
Mommy and Papa ready to leave with Emma.
Oh my gosh! Look at this toy on my foot!
Are we there yet?
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