I headed over to his work, where I sat in the car to feed Emma while Michael came out to meet us. We then headed to dinner at the St. Louis Bread Company. We were trying to decide what to do for about 2 hours before Michael’s softball game. We were still trying to decide if it was too hot for Emma to be outside, but the weather was changing for the better. It was getting cloudy and breezy and his game was after the sun went down so we decided to wait to watch his game. Michael’s co-worker, Jeff, had offered his apartment for us to come stay for a little bit. Jeff didn’t want to hold Emma, but he was asking all kinds of questions about her and how she is doing.
Mommy with her baby.
I just LOVE her!
We headed back to Michael’s work where he plays softball and were ready to cheer on daddy. Throughout the game, which lasted less than 30 minutes, Emma and I had to move 4 times because foul balls were coming close to us. Also while we were there, Emma was getting hungry so I fed her right before we left to go home. She slept the entire way home, but her head was slumped to the side so when she moved it back upright she screamed and cried. Poor little lady was in pain, but off to bed she went.
Daddy taking Emma up by the softball field.
I just can't watch anymore; dad's team was doing terrible. Maybe next week daddy will hit a home run for me, especially since it will be his birthday!
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