Michael and I had talked about wanting to be out of the house by 11:45 AM for the 12:15 PM mass and we surprisingly did it! We arrived at our church and met my family, Michael’s parents and grandparents, his brother and his family, Aunt Mary and Uncle Jack, and Melissa, Ashley, and Chandler. Emma had slept through the majority of the mass, making a few noises here and there. When the mass was just about over, Michael went to the car to get her Baptismal gown so that I could get her dressed and ready to go.
Emma napping during the mass.
My family before the Baptism.
Emma thinking about what is to come.
The baptism was to begin at 1:30 PM. We were able to visit with my cousin Niki and her family, Kelly and Taylor, Mike and Rachel before the service began. There were four children being baptized today; Emma being the youngest and best behaved child. We had Michael’s cousin Zack video taped the service so we can have for her as a keepsake. Emma’s godmother is Michael’s cousin Ashley and her godfather is Michael’s brother Chris.
Emma with her mommy and daddy.
Emma being anoited with oil.
Emma being baptized.
Right after being baptized.
Emma with her parents and godparents.
After the ceremony, we gathered with everyone that went to take pictures with them. The only one we weren’t able to get was Michael’s Aunt Jennifer and Uncle Mike. We were really appreciative that Kelly and Taylor drove all the way here for just less than an hour service only to turn around to head home. We can’t thank them enough for doing that.
Daddy with his little angel.
Emma with her parents and Great Grandma and Great Grandpa Fiehler.
Emma with her parents and grandparents.
Emma with her parents, Nana, Papa, Uncle Greg, and Uncle Scott.
Emma with her parents and our friends, Mike and Rachel.
Aunt Melissa, Ashley, and Chandler
The Parmeters: Emma with her parents, Grandma, Grandpa, Uncle Chris, Aunt Jessica, and cousins Isabella and Chase.
Emma with her parents and Great Aunt Mary and Uncle Jack.
Emma with her parents and Great Grandma and Great Grandpa Parmeter.
Emma with her parents and our friends, Kelly and Taylor.
Emma was worn out after the Baptism.
This is how I found Emma when we got home. Hilarious!
After the pictures, everyone headed over to our house, even though it was a little bit earlier than we had told people to get to our house. There were so many people already at our house that the majority of the appetizers were already eaten when we got there.
Emma's Baptism cake.
Emma and her parents with the cake.
Some of the guests playing washers in our backyard.
My beautiful niece, Isabella.
Emma was so hot that she ended up not getting dressed the rest of the day. I handed Emma off to someone so that I could help my mom with getting the rest of the food ready. Michael and I were busy entertaining all of our family and a few friends; although people didn’t really want to see us, they wanted to see Emma. That little lady was passed around all day. I was afraid that being held so much throughout the day would make her impossible to put down for bed, but only time till tell.
Emma with our friend, Rachel.
Emma with her cousin, Zach.
Emma with her cousin, Jamie.
Grandpa Parmeter enjoying the weather or taking a nap?
Emma with her cousins, Meagan and Kenzie.
Grandma and Grandpa Fiehler
Emma with Great Aunt Trish.
Me and my favorite cousin, Katie!
Emma with our friend, Mike.
Mike and Jake being all serious.
How cute! Our grandmas conversing.
As people were clearing out and my mom and I cleaning up, we decided to open Emma’s gifts. She got a lot of clothes, a few religious things, and some money. We need to open a savings account for her to help prepare for her future. When Jarrod decided to hold Emma, she was eating and then letting go of her bowels. Jarrod had the magic touch! He kept saying that his arms were getting warm, but we just kept insisting it was gas and he kept saying no I think it’s more than that. Ashley was the brave one who decided to change her diaper. Finally around 10:00 PM, Michael and I had to crash because we were exhausted. Everything turned out great for Emma’s special day! Thank you to everyone for making it wonderful!
Opening some gifts.
And more gifts.
Emma with her Godmother, Ashley.
Thank you Jarrod for helping me poop!
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